Saturday, March 7, 2015

Poland Part 2: Kraków

After Auschwitz, we made our way to Krakow to see the city. Our guide Eva showed us around the Old Town Square which is similar to Prague's Old Town Square, but not as pretty. The square had a cathedral, clock tower, Louvre- looking glass triangle, and a market in the middle. Going into the market was one of my favorite things, they had a bunch of polish souvenirs and cool things to look at. Also I am part-Polish so it was cool to go back to my roots! We just explored the city and ate chocolate from the best chocolate place in Krakow!

 The next day we went on a guided tour of the city and got to see the castle, Jewish ghetto, cathedrals, and all about the history of Krakow. Eva told us that this cathedral has the most beautiful alter in all of Europe if not the entire world. I was surprised because the outside of the cathedral was very plain and wasn't expecting much. After we went in, my jaw dropped and I changed my mind. The entire inside of the cathedral was absolutely stunning, every wall, every flower, every sculpture, stain glass, etc. had so much detail, adorned with gold and silver. It cost money to take pictures so I didn't end up taking any, but honestly no picture could ever do it justice. 


The cathedral with the most beautiful alter

In the afternoon we took a tour of Schindler's factory and got to learn about WW2 and how it took place in Poland.

The square where Jewish people had to wait in chairs to be executed. Very saddening. ^

 The castle^

An eclectic castle..

 Famous stain glass in one of the cathedrals we went to^

 Old Town Square^
This guy just chillin
Krakow really comes alive at night and there is so much to do. Altogether I had a great time in Krakow, but still love Prague the best. On Sunday morning we went to the famous salt mines. It was crazy!! We were 400 ft underground and they had an entire cathedral and sculptures and a bunch of stuff down there. Definitely worth seeing. It was a great weekend!


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