Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ray- a drop of Golden Sun!

Now that I am caught up I can talk about our quick trip to Salzburg! Last week Cody and I were leaving for Salzburg in the early afternoon to get there in the early evening. The train station ended up displaying the wrong train destination and taking off so we ended up missing our train and having to get on another longer train and arrived at 2 am. That being said, wasn't the best start to the trip, but I'm glad we were able to make it! We woke up bright and early around 8 am to get the most out of our full sunny day.

Cody and I started off the morning with a Rick Steve's audio guide tour of the city which was really great as usual. Salzburg is a pretty small city so we were able to see new town and old town as well as Mozart's birthplace and childhood home, as well as the famous street filled with iron signs, and a famous cathedral were Mozart played. Salzburg is the city of music with its two primary claims to fame are Mozart and The Sound of Music. Salzburg is a beautiful city with the blue river, surrounding mountains, fortress on the hill, pastel-colored houses, and turquoise roofs. I think it may have been one of the most beautiful cities that I have seen yet!

In the afternoon we took a 4 hour Sound of Music bus tour and it was SO MUCH FUN! They pretty much took us to many different locations of where the movie was filmed and told us facts about the movie. One of the most interesting facts I learned is that they used two palaces for filming the house- one for the lake side view (which is white and not shown in the movie) and the yellow palace which is the house shown in the movie. The scene when Maria and the Captain are talking is filmed in two different places. They also told us some history about Salzburg as well. For part of our trip they took us to the lakes and mountains district outside of Salzburg which was absolutely beautiful and reminded me a lot of Lake Bled in Slovenia. Every time that we got on the bus they played music from the movie and everyone sang along which was awesome. The tour was really well done and probably one of my favorite memories from studying abroad.

 Area where they filmed the canoe scene.

 The gardens Maria and the children ran through singing do ray me
 The gazebo scene from 16 going on 17

We spent the rest of our trip exploring until we left the next day in the afternoon. It was a short but sweet trip and I'm glad we made it there! Sadly this is the last weekend in Prague :( I only have a week left in this beautiful city. Every time I go to a new city I enjoy the stay, but every time I come back I am excited to be home in Prague. Only a few more days in Prague :( then I head off to the last hurrah- Switzerland, Paris, and Barcelona for 12 days! Can't wait!

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